Healthy Life

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Eating healthy it’s easier

Written by Hunnybunny on 06.08

Several decades ago, to eat healthy, really simple, but today. Fast-food restaurants do not really become part of Indonesian culture, hamburgers and hot dogs are not normal fare for lunch or dinner, they’re very, very limited, such as Clear picnic or state fair special occasions.

The worst thing that we are dealing with at that time will likely be the result of our potatoes and vegetables, dinner is too much oil, maybe some bacon included in our breakfast. In addition, in the school cafeteria is also not allowed to have vending machines, they can not sell soda or coffee, or even older students, and even dinner, probably left some flaws, they do not include pizza and tacos.

Fast forward to the twenty-first century, it is so different – not only in schools but also in the restaurant, family life and the road. Our lives are busy, but not cook, so we are Out. Instead of looking for a healthy breakfast, we will be able to use a muffin or breakfast sandwich, when there is sufficient to cause irreparable damage to our cholesterol levels, liver and gall bladder.With all this issue is that these products have caused great damage to our bodies just so! They seem to taste better, they are bad for our health. While we all know, fresh green vegetables should be the way many of us can not be suppressed by insisting there is no oil or half the broccoli, melted cheese on top … pounds, to kill all the reasons to start a broccoli.

From one to learn to eat healthy and try to lose weight differences. Sort. Many people simply do not fat. In fact, they are thin! Eating fried foods, hamburgers, vegetables soaked in oil, however, smoke every day with breakfast, some lucky tip below the average weight scale.

This is indeed a challenge to explain to your girlfriend said she had vainly ordered extra cheese pizza is not a good idea, because she was sitting in front of you to remind you that it needs $ 2, does not require her to eat anything.

Below the critical event occurs, these people have no idea, they do not eat healthy. They considered themselves immune cleansing of the worst food choices has several negative consequences. Equivalent to the size of their health. To find the 40-year-old who works, and take smaller, looks more and the food we eat will help make it one step closer to the cemetery every day. Asked her to describe her recent salad, it illustrates this situation is very common sauce T reported that also includes slices of cheese, meat, bread and cole slaw. Delicious, yes. Health?

Learning to eat healthy can be a difficult choice, but it is difficult to commit themselves to you are doing for themselves. A week later, healthy eating habits are different, with major changes in life. Unfortunately, many people, life changes may be the “end of life.”

Breakfast all day, claiming to be the most important meal. Eat breakfast, it makes the brain work better, so you can better concentrate. Healthy recipes, visit us today!

source Safe healthy life

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  1. 1 komentar: Responses to “ Eating healthy it’s easier ”

  2. By andi wong on 21 Desember 2009 pukul 17.47

    fast food is delicious but bad for our healthy.. keep posting broo :-) btw please comment back..

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